Ghost Writer

For the last twelve months, I have had the pleasure of being Michelle’s travel companion.  While I did get talked into running a couple of races (Anchorage and Vegas), I spent 10 races on the sidelines.  Sometimes friends or family were with me, other times I traveled the course alone…but always in search of the best cup of coffee in town. FYI – Only place in America you can’t find an open Starbucks on a Saturday morning…New Orleans.

When Michelle originally came up with the idea to run these races, her goal was to raise $5,000.  I thought that the running would be tough, but the fund raising would be impossible.  After further thought, she decided $5,000 wasn’t enough, and was going to shoot for $10,000.   Now, I do a lot of math for a living and it didn’t take me long to realize that $10,000 a year was over $800 a month.  If you have never tried to raise money, let me tell you, it is very hard.  However, month after month and race after race, the money kept coming in.  I can’t tell you how proud I am of my wife and her accomplishments.  Congrats Shelly – Now stop running for a while.

Some people say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, here is 10,000 words that I think describes our year.


 michelle finishing 2 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

  Kris, Bev and Laurie punching game

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         PB282107 Drive across Golden Gate (2)PC052131


P6061130   floor boards

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