Seasons of Love

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes – how do you measure a year?  That’s a line from the song “Seasons of Love” from Rent.  One of my most favorite songs!  I thought it was an appropriate ending to “My Reason 2 Run” and this blog. 

This year – all five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes of it – has been amazing.  I am so grateful to everyone who has supported me, traveled to races and made a donations.   Thank you!  When I set out on this adventure I didn’t really know what to expect.  Now that it’s come full circle I’m not sure it’s set in yet on what an accomplishment this has been.   I’ve traveled to 7 states, written 86 blog posts, ran over 1012 miles and raised $10,457.28 (with a few more donations to be counted) for the MS Society.  All along I’ve had one goal – to make a difference to those who live their lives with Multiple Sclerosis. 

Since my life really isn’t that exciting to keep a blog of it and without all the running and fundraising I wouldn’t have anything to write about, this will be the last post of “My Reason 2 Run”.  Another appropriate ending is that today would have been my mom’s 57th Birthday – Happy Birthday mom!!  I love you. 

Before I go, I wanted to share one last picture with you.  My birthday gift back in August from Kris was a case to put all my medals in.  We hung it on the wall right away, but decided to wait until all the races were done before putting the medals in the case.  Well this past weekend we added the medals and one of the bibs – it turned out very cool!!

medal case

I wish everyone all the very best in 2011!! 


6 responses to “Seasons of Love

  1. And the very best to you, too.

  2. Hello Michelle! I was reading the Sports Backers Quarterly publishing in Richmond and saw your story about running a 1/2 each month in honor of your mom, Mary, who passed away from MS. My mom, Carolyn, passed away on November 18 this year from battling MS. It was a shock to us, but the disease had been progressively getting worse and worse. One of my best friends that I grew up with and that considered my Mom a second mom to her, instilled the idea that we should run a marathon in my Mom’s honor in 2011. I have run two marathons and decided after the last one in Baltimore that I was done with these challenges. But when the goal is not only complete another marathon, but honor my Mom and raise money for MS it seems worth it to give it another try. So we are going to put our name in for the NY Marathon and will hopefully get a bib through the National MS Society. Thanks for your encouraging blog. Thanks for sharing your story. It’s nice to know that I am not traveling this road alone. All the best! Greta

    • Hi Greta: Thank you for your note and I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom recently. Your idea to honor your mom sounds wonderful. Best of luck in getting a bib for NYC and safe training. All my best in 2011! Michelle

  3. What a great year, full of accomplishments, for you!
    Your mom would be very proud 🙂
    hugs, Brooke

  4. Simply amazing! What an accomplishment! Congratulations to you – I can only imagine how proud your Mom must be. I love the display case, what a great idea to commemorate your year!

    Hope to catch up soon!


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